Vision, Mission & Methodology

Our Vision Statement

To Empower Future Leaders with Wisdom, Compassion, and Prophetic Leadership. AMAL Seminary envisions a Community Rooted in Faith and Knowledge, Harmonizing Personal and Professional aspirations while Radiating Brilliance and Excellence across all Dimensions of Life.

Our Mission Statement

At AMAL Seminary, Our Mission is to Ignite a Lifelong Passion for Islam’s Timeless Teachings, Fostering Comprehensive Understanding, Reflection, and Application of its Dynamic Culture and Epistemology, Guiding our Students on their Educational Journey with Inspiration and Nurturing care.

Our Methodology & Approach

  1. Leadership by Imams/Scholars, all US-raised and experienced.
  2. Led by Young Imams that resonate with current times and issues, crafting a Program/Curriculum that fulfills the Need of our Time. 
  3. Imams with Proper Credentials in both; Shari’ah/Islamic Sciences from reputable Islamic Universities along with Degrees and Certifications in English Language and or General/Secular Academics from local US Universities.
  4. Semester Based: Spring, Summer and Fall. 

Study Plan - Overview

 Foundational Studies.

    • Qur’anic Arabic –  Classical Arabic, Grammar and Morphology.
    • Basic Islamic Studies – Intro to Hadith, Fiqh and Seerah. 
    • Quranic Study – Quran Memorization and Cover to Cover Translation.
    • Intro to Tajweed and Quran Study
    • Tazkiyah & Tarbiyah (Islamic Ethics & Spirituality)


 Advanced Islamic Study. 

    • Intro to Usul al-Hadith and Hadith.
    • Intro to Usul al-Fiqh and classical & contemporary Fiqh. 
    • Intro to Seerah and Islamic Civilization and Tazkiyah.
    • Advanced Study of Quran and Selected Surahs of Tafseer.
    • Advanced Study of Hadith, Aqeedah and Fiqh Schools of Thought.

Schedule and Hours of Operation

We will follow a semester based schedule. A total of three Semesters in one Calendar year will be offered with short intensive courses offered in Winter and or Summer Breaks.

  • Yearly Calendar:
    • Three Semesters: Spring, Summer & Fall.
  • Spring: January 10th until to May 15th. 
  • Summer: June 1st until July 30th.
  • Fall: September 1st until December 20th.
  • Holidays Calendar:
    • Fort Bend Academic Calendar.
    • All Islamic Holidays.

Exact dates may vary slightly every year.

Leadership and Success Driven

  • Regular Monitoring of Progress.
  • One-on-One Counseling with Teachers and Advisors.
  • Mental Health Counseling and Spiritual Tazkiyah.
  • Engaging Community activities and Leadership Opportunities.
  • Assistance in Research and on-Field Experience.

Assistance in delivering Khutbahs, Halaqats and Lectures.

Guided by Experience & Wisdom

  • Trained & Qualified Teachers.
    • Graduates of World Class Islamic Universities.
    • Credentials and Ijazaat in Hadith and other Subjects
    • Our commitment to Tarbiyaah and Mentorship.
  • Ijaazah Program available. (seperate from program)
  • Graduation, Diploma and Certification upon Completion of each Year.
  • Life-long Relationship with Teachers and Mentors.

Support & Resources

We believe in Holistic Development. Hence, our Students will have access to:

  • Guidance for their Academic and Personal Challenges.
  • Extra tutoring Sessions and Classes based on Availability.
  • Financial Assistance and Scholarships.


  • For More info; 
    • 281-786-0379