Our Story

AMAL Institute was founded by Shaykh Tauqeer Shah, a native Houstonian with over two decades of experience  in teaching and education. Shaykh Tauqeer holds a Bachelor’s Degree from The University of Houston, Texas and a Master’s Degree from The International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM). A Hafiz of Qur’an demonstrating mastery in recitation and Qir’at and an active Student of Knowledge engaged in pursuing Ph.D. at IIUM Malaysia. Shaykh Tauqeer brings a wealth of experience as an Imam and Religious Director for over a decade at various Islamic centers in Houston, Texas. He hopes to establish AMAL Institute as an exceptional educational institute to meet the evolving needs of Muslims in America. He envisions the Institute to bridge the gap between Islamic and secular education by imparting teachings of Qur’an and Sunnah, and instilling a growth mindset to thrive in today’s dynamic world.

AMAL Institute aims to establish a Full-time Hifz School with academics and seminary in the Greater Houston area. The primary focus of AMAL Inst. is Islamic education for children and youth. Apart from children’s education, it will offer an advanced Aalamiyyah program for young professionals and adults to train them in Islamic Sciences and Shaari’ah

Our team at AMAL Institute is composed of individuals and leaders from various backgrounds in life with expertise and experiences in different fields but all with a common goal to establish an institute that would excel in Islamic education along with general academics that would provide an environment of growth mindset and spirituality. Our hope is to form a school with a holistic approach that would produce valuable members who will become leaders and contributors in society while maintaining their Islamic identity. The objective is to establish a school environment built on Islamic morals and values with a well structured and balanced yet rigorous curriculum where every student is up to par in all the fundamental subjects of life that are needed to succeed and excel in both the worldly life and the after-life. The goal is to offer a hybrid/flex program that will include general academics with Islamic sciences focusing on character, compassion and leadership.

ثُمَّ أَوْرَثْنَا ٱلْكِتَـٰبَ ٱلَّذِينَ ٱصْطَفَيْنَا مِنْ عِبَادِنَا 

“Then We granted the Book to those We have chosen from Our servants” (Quran 35:32)